I. Eco-friendly Lightweight EPS Concrete Exterior Sandwich Roof/Wall Panel
The light weight compound sandwich Wall Panel is a kind of light weight energy saving compound board material taking fiber reinforced calcium silicon board or cement calcium silicon board as panel, with cement, EPS, fly ash as fillers and forming by one time compound. The product can replace construction materials as red brick, clay solid brick, air brick, color-coated steel sandwich board, gypsum block, wire spatial grid structure perlite board, perlite porous board etc. It can widely be applied to wall materials of various high and low buildings such as: bank, office building, hospital, school, hotel, mall, amusement hall, active barrack, old house reconstruction, residence and workshop.
II. Characters
1. Environment-friendly: It is a green building material free of radioactivity, formaldehyde, heavy metals and other hazardous substances; in case of high temperature or open fire, no harmful gases and smoke are generated.
2. Clean: It is an antistatic material which surface is dust-free.
3. Moisture proof: It is not easily distortional and has stable wet strength, so it can be used in the humid environment.
4. Heat-insulated: It is featured with remarkable heat insulation property, so it is the preferred heat-insulated and energy-saving material.
5. Corrosion-resistant: Its surface may resist acid-base, so it has outstanding stain resistance.
6.Colorful: Many color options are prepared for customers for elegant and mild decoration.